Preliminary Day
Chom den de pal dor je sem pa heruka la chag tsal lo //
Prostration to the Bhagawan Vajra Heruka
Recite as many times as possible:
Conclude with:
Gon po dag ni mi she mong pa te / dam tsik le ni gal shing nyam /
la ma gon po kyab dzod chik / tso wo dor je zin pa te /
thuk je chen po’i dak nyi chen / dro we’i tso la dak kyap chi /
ku sung thuk tsa wa dang yen lak gi dam tsik nyam pa tham che thol lo shak so /
dik pa dang drib pa nye pa dang tung we’i dri may tsok tham che jang shing dhab par dze du sol //
Protector, I am deluded by ignorance and so have broken and spoiled my sacred vows. Guru, lord protect me! I take refuge in the foremost Vajradhara, the quintessence of great compassion, the leader of all living beings. I confess all transgressions of the root and branch vows of body, voice and mind. Cleanse and purify me, I pray, of all accumulated sins, obscurations, faults, failing, and impurities.
Ge wa di yi nyur du dak / dor je sem pa drub gyur ne /
dro wa chik kyang ma lu pa / de yi sa la go’e par shok //
By the merit of this, may I swiftly reach the stage of Vajrasattva and place then upon that stage all beings without exception.
Mandala Offering to request empowerment
OM VAJRA BHUMI AH HUM / shi yong su da’g pa w’ang ch’en ser gyi sa shi / OM VAJRA REKHE AH HUM / ch’i chag rii khor yug g’i kor wei w’Ü su hum / ri’i gyal po ri rab / shar lü pag po / lho zam b’u ling / nub b’a lang cho / j’ang dra mi nyen / nyi ma / da wa / lha dang mi’i pal jor phun sum tsog pa / ma tsang wa m’e pa / di nyi la ma dang / kil khor gh’i tso wo tha mi dh’e pa la / ta gön ghi chö nam shu wei yön du wul war gyi o / thug je dro we’i dön du zhei su sol / she ne j’in gyi lab tu sol //
OM VAJRA BHUMI AH HUM. The ground is completely pure, a foundation of mighty gold. OM VAJRA REKHE AH HUM. Around, a perimeter of mountains; in the centre, HUM! the king of mountains, Sumeru. To the east, Purva Videha, to the south, Jambudvipa, to the west, Arapagodaniya, to the north, Uttarakuru, the sun and moon, and the splendour of devas and humans in abundance without lack, to the Guru and chief of deity in the mandala who are inseparable, in order to receive the preparatory teachings, I offer. Compassionately accept it for the sake of all. Having accepted it, may you bless us all. Om Guru Buddha Bodhisattva Saparivara Mandala Puja Megha Samudra Spharana Samaye Hung!
Request to guru Hevajra to receive Pratimoksh, Boodhisattva and Vajrayana vows.
Recite 3 times:
Dag med ma yi drin khyu pe’i / Ga chen khoe dag toen pa te /
Lob pon khoe ni gong su sol / Jang chup chen poe tsul ten pa /
Gon po chen po dag tsal lo / Dam tsik dhe nyid dag la tsol /
Jang chup sem kyang dag la tsol / Sang gay cho dang geh dun te /
Kyab sum dag kyang dag la tsol / Thar pa chen po drong chog tu / Gon po dag ni zug tu sol //
O Greatly Blissful One, you are my guide, my excellent teacher, please give me your attention! The way of the great awakening mind, give me also the Bodhicitta! Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, may you, the Lord, help me enter.
The Sevenfold Prayer
Recite 3 times:
Kon chok sum la dag kyap ch’i / dig pa tham che so sor shag /
dro we’i ge la je yi rang / sang gye Jang chup yi kyi sung /
sang gye ch’o dang tsok ch’og la / Jang chup bar du kyab su ch’i /
rang shen don ni rab drub ch’ir / Jang chup sem ni kye par gyi /
Jang chup ch’og gi sem ni kye gyi ne / sem chen tam che dag gi dron du nyer /
jang chup cho ch’og yi ong che par gyi / dro la phen chir sang gye drub par shog //
I take refuge in the Three Jewels, and purify all the sins. I rejoice in the virtues of all beings, and to the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, I take refuge until enlightenment is reached. In order to accomplish purposes of one’s own and others, I generate the awakened mind. I invite all beings as my guest. I observe sublime, attractive practices of Awakened Ones. May I become an enlightened one for sake of all beings.
Dedication of merit
Sö nam di yi tam je zig pa nyi / tob ne nye pe’i dra nam pam je ne /
kye ga na ch’i ba long trug pa yi / sri pe’i tso le dro wa drol war shog
By the merit of this may we attain a state of omniscience and overcome all delusions. May I liberate all living beings from the samsaric ocean’s turbulent waves of birth, sickness, old age and death.
Rig su kye dang dam tsik chen / nyö med ke yi dor je tön /
la ma la gui nying je den / ke shing ke war gyur war shog /
In birth after birth may I be born in this race, possessing sanity, the vows, compassion, reverence for the Guru, and be an expounder Hevajra.
Lag pe dor je dril bu trol / sab mö chöe ni lok pa dang /
tsȕn mo’i khu wa nyam se chen / ke shing ke war gyur war shog /
In birth after birth may I ring the Vajra-bell, study the profound Doctrine, and partake of the queen’s essence.
Sem chen tham che deh gyur chik / sem chen tham che kyon med par /
gang gyi lam gyi drol gyur wa / dhe yi sang gye nyur thop shog //
May all living beings be happy! May all be without imperfection! Through the path by which liberation is won, quickly may they gain Buddhahood.
Jam pal pa’ wö ji tar kyen pa dang / kun tu zang po de yang de zhing te /
de dag kun gyi je su da lob jing / ge wa di dag tam je rab tu ngo
Just like the courageous Manjushri and, likewise, Samantabhadra have omniscience, I also sincerely dedicate these merits in order to train myself to attain their state.
Du sum sheg pe’i gyal wa tam je kyi / ngo wa gang la chog tu ngag pa de /
dag gi ge we’i tsa wa di kun kyang / zang po chö chir rab tu ngo war gyi /
All the Victorious Ones of the three times have highly praised dedication. I too sincerely dedicate all the roots of my virtues in order to perform the noble deeds.
Jang chog kyong we’i kyob pa chog gyur pa / ke drub gya tsö yong su gang we’i ne /
gang ri’i trö dir ten pa sal dze pa / sa kya pa yi ten pa gye gyur jig/
The unsurpassable protectors and rulers of the north, where the ocean of scholars and siddhas reside, are the Sakyapas who illuminate the dharma in the Land of Snows. May the teachings of the Sakya lineage flourish.
Gang jen bö kyi te wa dor je den / pal den sa kye’i chö si gye gyur jig /
trul pe’i dung gyu gyun che me pa dang / kun kyang trin le nam ka’ nyam par shog //
The centre of the Land of Snows is the Diamond Seat (Sakya). May the temporal and spiritual ways of the glorious Sakyapas flourish. May the miraculous hereditary lineage be unbroken and may their enlightened activities pervade all space.
Main Day Empowerment
Chom den de pal dor je sem pa Heruka la chag tsal lo //
Prostration to the Bhagawan Vajra Heruka
Recite as many times as possible:
Conclude with:
Gon po dag ni mi she mong pa te / dam tsik le ni gal shing nyam /
la ma gon po kyab dzod chik / tso wo dor je zin pa te /
thuk je chen po’i dak nyi chen / dro we’i tso la dak kyap chi /
ku sung thuk tsa wa dang yen lak gi dam tsik nyam pa tham che thol lo shak so /
dik pa dang drib pa nye pa dang tung we’i dri may tsok tham che jang shing dhab par dze du sol //
Protector, I am deluded by ignorance and so have broken and spoiled my sacred vows. Guru, lord protect me! I take refuge in the foremost Vajradhara, the quintessence of great compassion, the leader of all living beings. I confess all transgressions of the root and branch vows of body, voice and mind. Cleanse and purify me, I pray, of all accumulated sins, obscurations, faults, failing, and impurities.
Ge wa di yi nyur du dak / dor je sem pa drub gyur ne /
dro wa chik kyang ma lu pa / de yi sa la go’e par shok //
By the merit of this, may I swiftly reach the stage of Vajrasattva and place then upon that stage all beings without exception.
Mandala Offering to request empowerment
OM VAJRA BHUMI AH HUM / Shi yong su dag pa wang ch’en ser gyi sa shi / OM VAJRA REKHE AH HUM / ch’i chag ri’i khor yug gi kor we’i u su hum / ri’i gyal po ri rab / shar lu pag po / lho dzam bu ling / nub ba lang cho / jang dra mi nyen / nyi ma / da wa / lha dang mi’i pal jor p’un sum ts’og pa / ma ts’ang wa me pa di nyi la ma dang / kil khor ghi tso wo tha mi the pa la kil khor du jug pe’i choe nam shu we’i yon du ul war gyi’o / tug je dro we’i don du she su sol / she ne jin gyi lab tu sol //
OM VAJRA BHUMI AH HUM. The ground is completely pure, a foundation of mighty gold. OM VAJRA REKHE AH HUM. Around, a perimeter of mountains; in the centre, HUM! the king of mountains, Sumeru. To the east, Purva Videha, to the south, Jambudvipa, to the west, Arapagodaniya, to the north, Uttarakuru, the sun and moon, and the splendour of devas and humans in abundance without lack, to the Guru and chief of deity in the mandala who are inseparable, in order to enter into the mandala, I offer. Compassionately accept it for the sake of all. Having accepted it, may you bless us all.
Request to guru Hevajra to receive Pratimoksh, Boodhisattva and Vajrayana vows.
Recite 3 times:
Dag med ma yi drin khyu pe’i / Ga chen khoe dag toen pa te /
Lob pon khoe ni gong su sol / Jang chup chen poe tsul ten pa /
Gon po chen po dag tsal lo / Dam tsik dhe nyid dag la tsol /
Jang chup sem kyang dag la tsol / Sang gay cho dang geh dun te /
Kyab sum dag kyang dag la tsol / Thar pa chen po drong chog tu / Gon po dag ni zug tu sol //
O Greatly Blissful One, you are my guide, my excellent teacher, please give me your attention! The way of the great awakening mind, give me also the Bodhicitta! Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, may you, the Lord, help me enter.
The Sevenfold Prayer
Recite 3 times:
Kon ch’og sum la dag kyap ch’i / Dig pa tham che so sor shag /
Dro we’i ge la je yi rang / Sang gye Jang chup yi kyi sung /
Sangye ch’o dang tsok ch’og la / Jang chup bar du kyab su ch’i /
Rang shen don ni rab drub ch’ir / Jang chup sem ni kye par gyi /
Jang chup ch’og gi sem ni kye gyi ne / Sem chen tam che dag gi dron du nyer /
Jang chup cho ch’og yi ong che par gyi / Dro la phen chir sang gye drub par shog //
I take refuge in the Three Jewels, and purify all the sins. I rejoice in the virtues of all beings, and to the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, I take refuge until enlightenment is reached. In order to accomplish purposes of one’s own and others, I generate the awakened mind. I invite all beings as my guest. I observe sublime, attractive practices of Awakened Ones. May I become an enlightened one for sake of all beings.
Maintaining the Five Dhyana Buddha Vows
Recite 3 times:
Se che sang gay tham che d’ang / pa wo nal jor ma nam kun /
tham che dag la ghong su sol / dag ming (SAY YOUR NAME) she gyi wa yi /
due di ne ni zung ne su / ji si jang chup nying po bar /
ji tar due sum gon po nam / jang chup tu ni nge dze pa’i /
jang chup sem ni la na mei / dam pa dag kyi kye par gyi /
tsul trim kyi ni lap pa dhang / ge wai choe ni dud pa dang /
sem chen don che tsul trim sum / so sor ten por zung war gyi /
sang gay cho dang gen dun te / la na med pe kon chog sum /
sang gay nal jor le kye pai / dom pa dheng ni ten por sung /
dor je rig chog chen po la / dor je dril bu chag gya yang /
yang dag nyi tu sung war gyi / lop pon dag kyang sung war gyi /
rin chen rig chog chen po yi / dam tsig yid tu ong wa la /
nyin re zin du due dhug tu / jin pa nam zhi tak tu jin /
jang chup chen po le jung we’i / pad me rig chen dhag pa la /
chi nang sang we’i thek pa sum / dam pai cho ni ma lu’i zung /
le kyi rig chog chen po la / dom pa tham che den par ni /
yang dag nyid du zung war ghi / chod pe’i lei kyang chi nue ghi /
jang chup sem ni la me’i chog / dam pa dag ghi kye ghi ne /
sem chen kun ghi don gyi chir / dag gyi dom pa ma lue zung /
ma dral wa nam dag ghi dral / ma drol wa nam dag ghi drol /
wug ma chung wa wug yung shing / sem chen nya ngen de la goe //
May all the Buddhas along with all the Bodhisattwas, And all the heros and Dakinis, Please give me your attention. I, who is called by this name, From this time onwards, Until the essence of the Enlightenment is reached, Just as the Buddhas of the three-fold times, made certain into the Enlightenment, (this) unsurpassable Bodhicitta, I, too, generate. In the trainings of the disciplines, in the gathering of the virtuous Dharmas, the disciplines of the working for all beings, each I hold firmly. Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, are the unexcelled Three Jewels. That which is born from the Buddha yoga, I hold this vow from this point on. For the great and supreme family of Vajra, vajra, bell and mudra, I will properly hold. Master too shall I hold. For the great and supreme family of Ratna its enchanting Samayas, six times each day, I give away four-fold gifts. That which originated from the great awakenings, and for the pure and great family of Lotus, of the outer, inner, secret vehicles I will hold, without exception, all the noble Dharmas. For great and supreme family of Karma, that which possesses all the vows, I will properly hold. I will, as I can, perform the practices of offerings. The supreme, unexcelled and noble awakening mind, having generated it, for the sake of all beings, I will observe the vows without exceptions Unliberated, I will liberate them. Unfreed, I will free them. Uncomforted, I will comfort them. I will place all beings in the state of the nirvana.
Mandala Offering for the Empowerment of Evocation of the Basis of Wisdom
Mandal ling shi ri rab nyi da sung chig lha mi’i paljor phun sum ts’og pa ma ts’ang wa mepa ‘dinyi lama d’ang kyil khor gyi tso wo tha mi de pa la NGOE SHI YI SHE WAP PAR shu wei yön d’u w’ul war gyi o / tug je dro we’i don du she su sol / she ne jin gyi lab tu sol //
This mandala of four continents, sun and moon, all the wealth of gods and men, to the Guru and chief of deity in the mandala inseparable, in order to receive EVOCATION OF THE BASIS OF WISDOM, I offer, kindly accept it for the sake of beings. Having accepted it, may you bless us all.
Mandala Offering for the empowerment of Vajra Disciple
Mandal ling shi ri rab nyi da sung chig lha mi’i paljor phun sum ts’og pa ma ts’ang wa mepa ‘dinyi lama d’ang kyil khor gyi tso wo tha mi de pa la DOR JE LOP ME’I WANG shu wei yön d’u w’ul war gyi o / tug je dro we’i don du she su sol / she ne jin gyi lab tu sol //
This mandala of four continents, sun and moon, all the wealth of gods and men, to the Guru and chief of deity in the mandala inseparable, in order to receive the empowerment of VAJRA DISCIPLE, I offer Kindly accept it for the sake of beings. Having accepted it, may you bless us all.
Request for initiation as Vajra Disciples
Recite 3 times:
Jang chup dor je sang gay la / cho chen ji tar tsal wa tar /
dag kyang kyap pe’i don ghi chir / nam khe’i dor je deng dag tsol //
Upon the Buddha, the Bodhivajra bestowed the great offering. Likewise, upon me, for protection, now bestow the Vajra of space.
Chom den d’e zhin sheg pa kün / chom den dag nyi ch’en po nam /
thug je rang chin chen nam kyi / khye kyi dag la w’ang kur tsol //
All the Blessed Ones, ones who have gone to suchness, blessed Ones, the great beings, O compassionate one, bestow upon me the empowerment.
Mandala Offering for Vajra Master Empowerment
Mandal ling shi ri rab nyi da sung chig lha mi’i paljor phun sum ts’og pa ma ts’ang wa mepa ‘dinyi lama d’ang kyil khor gyi tso wo tha mi de pa la DOR JE LO PON GHI WANG shu wei yön d’u w’ul war gyi o / tug je dro we’i don du she su sol / she ne jin gyi lab tu sol //
This mandala of four continents, sun and moon, all the wealth of gods and men, to the Guru and chief of deity in the mandala inseparable, in order to receive THE EMPOWERMENT OF VAJRA MASTER I offer. Kindly accept it for the sake of all beings, I pray. Having accepted it, may you bless us all.
Request for initiation of Vajra Masters
Recite 3 times:
Mi dhog khor lo’i wang kur wa / gon po dag la tsal ne kyang /
khor lo lha yi de nyid dang / lop pon trin le yong su sung /
sang gay kun ghi dam tsik dang / dom pa’ang la na med pa tsol //
May the Lord bestow upon me the consecration of the ‘irreversible cakra’ also, may the nature of the Deities of the cakra be granted to me; may I be told completely of the activities of a Master and of the unsurpassable vows and precepts of all the Buddhas.
Mandala Offering for the Secret Empowerment
Mandal ling shi ri rab nyi da sung chig lha mi’i paljor phun sum ts’og pa ma ts’ang wa mepa ‘dinyi lama d’ang kyil khor gyi tso wo tha mi de pa la SANG WANG SAP MO shu wei yön d’u w’ul war gyi o / tug je dro we’i don du she su sol / she ne jin gyi lab tu sol //
This mandala of four continents, sun and moon, all the wealth of gods and men, to the Guru and chief of deity in the mandala inseparable, in order to receive THE SECRET EMPOWERMENT, I offer. Kindly accept it for the sake of beings. Having accepted it, may you bless us all.
Homage to Hevajra
Khyo ni nal jor ma tsog yong su kor / khyo ni nyi kyi thuk kyi chog nye pa /
khyo kyi gu dang mi gyu’i dro wa kun gyen te / nying je thuk kyi sem chen sed dzed pa /
gyu me’i troe pa dor je drup pe’i yid / he ru ka pal dor je yid kyi ghe //
Completely surrounded by an assembly of Yoginis, you have obtained the excellent mind of suchness. You accomplish (the aims) of all animate and inanimate things, and all sentient beings are saved by your heart of compassion. Sentient beings are thrown into the Vajra (i.e. Shunyata) by your illusory activity. Shri Heruka, the vajra! (i.e. the Dharmakaya) and great mental bliss.
Request for Secret Consecration
Recite 3 times:
Chom den shi wa chen po Ke / dor je nal jor chik shed pa /
mi che chag gya drup pa po / dor je jor le yang dak jung /
ji tar khyo ni dag nyi che / nga dag dag la’ang de tar dzod /
khor wa dam gyi tsog nang du / jing wa kyab med dag la kyob //
Oh great tranquil Blessed One, intent on Vajrayoga, attainer of the undisturbable mudra who truly arose from the Vajra’s union; as you do for yourself may you also do for me. I am sunk in the thick mud of Samasara; save me who am without protection.
Mandala Offering for the Transcendental Wisdom Empowerment
Mandal ling shi ri rab nyi da sung chig lha mi’i paljor phun sum ts’og pa ma ts’ang wa mepa ‘dinyi lama d’ang kyil khor gyi tso wo tha mi de pa la SHE RAB YE SHE KYI WANG shu wei yön d’u w’ul war gyi o / tug je dro we’i don du she su sol / she ne jin gyi lab tu sol //
This mandala of four continents, sun and moon, all the wealth of gods and men, to the Guru and chief of deity in the mandala inseparable, in order to receive THE TRANSCENDENTAL WISDOM EMPOWERMENT, I offer. Kindly accept it for the sake of beings, having accepted it, may you bless us all. I pray.
Homage to Hevajra
Khyo ni nal jor ma tsog yong su kor / khyo ni nyi kyi thuk kyi chog nye pa /
khyo kyi gu dang mi gyu’i dro wa kun gyen te / nying je thuk kyi sem chen sed dzed pa /
gyu me’i troe pa dor je drup pe’i yid / he ru ka pal dor je yid kyi ghe //
Completely surrounded by an assembly of Yoginis, you have obtained the excellent mind of suchness. You accomplish (the aims) of all animate and inanimate things, and all sentient beings are saved by your heart of compassion. Sentient beings are thrown into the vajra (i.e. Shunyata) by your illusory activity. Shri Heruka, the Vajra! (i.e. the Dharmakaya) and great mental bliss.
Request for Transcendent Wisdom Consecration
Recite 3 times:
Chom den shi wa chen po ke / dor je nal jor chik shed pa /
mi che chag gya drup pa po / dor je jor le yang dak jung /
ji tar khyo ni dag nyi che / nga dag dag la’ang de tar dzod /
khor wa dam gyi tsog nang du / jing wa kyab med dag la kyob //
Oh great tranquil Blessed One, intent on Vajrayoga, attainer of the undisturbable mudra who truly arose from the Vajra’s union; as you do for yourself may you also do for me. I am sunk in the thick mud of Samasara; save me who am without protection.
Response upon Conferral of Consecration
Shang chi d’ang ni za wa d’ang / Trag d’ang khu was de zhin te /
Sha chen ten pa chi mi tro / B’u me nam la tag gü d’ang /
Bha gei pe mar ‘o j’e par / Dag nyi chi gar tro gyur to //
I am delighted to partake of excrement, urine, blood, semen, and likewise, great meat. Also, I am eager to revere women always, and to kiss the lotus of the Bhaga.
Mandala Offering for the Fourth Empowerment
Mandal ling shi ri rab nyi da sung chig lha mi’i paljor phun sum ts’og pa ma ts’ang wa mepa ‘dinyi lama d’ang kyil khor gyi tso wo tha mi de pa la WANG SHI PA shu wei yön d’u w’ul war gyi o / tug je dro we’i don du she su sol / she ne jin gyi lab tu sol //
This mandala of four continents, sun and moon, all the wealth of gods and men, to the Guru and chief of deity in the mandala inseparable, in order to receive THE FOURTH EMPOWERMENT, I offer. Kindly accept it for the sake of beings. Having accepted it, may you bless us all.
Request for Fourth Consecration
Recite 3 times:
Gon po thuk je che den pa / wang kur sum po dag la nang /
nam pa kun gyi chog den pe’i / shi pa yang ni jin gyi lop //
Protector endowed with great compassion, you have given me the three consecration. Please also bestow upon me the blessings of the fourth, which is excellent in every part.
Pledge to follow instructions
Recite 3 times:
Tso wo ji tar ka tsal pa / de dag tham che dag ghi gi //
Just as you have taught, all that I will observe.
Mandala Offering in Gratitude
OM VAJRA BHUMI AH HUM / shi yong su da’g pa w’ang ch’en ser gyi sa shi / OM VAJRA REKHE AH HUM / ch’i chag rii khor yug g’i kor wei w’Ü su hum / ri’i gyal po ri rab / shar lÜ pag po / lho dzam b’u ling / nub b’a lang cho / j’ang dra mi nyen / nyi ma / da wa / lha dang mi’i pal jor phun sum tsog pa / ma tsang wa m’e pa / di nyi la ma dang / kil khor gh’i tso wo tha mi dh’e pa la / wang shi yong su dzog par leg par thop pei ka trin tang rag gyi yön du wul war gyi o / thug je dro we’i dön du zhei su sol / she ne j’in gyi lab tu sol //
OM VAJRA BHUMI AH HUM. The ground is completely pure, a foundation of mighty gold. OM VAJRA REKHE AH HUM. Around, a perimeter of mountains; in the centre, HUM! the king of mountains, Sumeru. To the east, Purva Videha, to the south, Jambudvipa, to the west, Arapagodaniya, to the north, Uttarakuru, the sun and moon, and the splendour of devas and humans in abundance without lack, to the Guru and chief of deity in the mandala in the mandala inseparable, as a thanksgiving for having received the entire fourfold empowerments, I offer. Please compassionately accept it for the sake of all. Having accepted it, may you bless us all.
Offering of self
Recite 3 times:
Deng nei tsam tei dag dren du / khe la dag ni bul lak na /
khed khi lop mar zung wa dang / cha yi kyang ni ched du sol //
From now I offer myself at your service, I offer myself to you, May you accept me as your disciple, and use me at your service.
Dedication of merit
Sö nam di yi tam je zig pa nyi / tob ne nye pe’i dra nam pam je ne /
kye ga na ch’i ba long trug pa yi / sri pe’i tso le dro wa drol war shog
By the merit of this may we attain a state of omniscience and overcome all delusions. May I liberate all living beings from the samsaric ocean’s turbulent waves of birth, sickness, old age and death.
Rig su kye dang dam tsik chen / nyö med ke yi dor je tön /
la ma la gui nying je den / ke shing ke war gyur war shog /
In birth after birth may I be born in this race, possessing sanity, the vows, compassion, reverence for the Guru, and be an expounder Hevajra.
Lag pe dor je dril bu trol / sab mö chöe ni lok pa dang /
tsȕn mo’i khu wa nyam se chen / ke shing ke war gyur war shog /
In birth after birth may I ring the Vajra-bell, study the profound Doctrine, and partake of the queen’s essence.
Sem chen tham che deh gyur chik /sem chen tham che kyon med par /
gang gyi lam gyi drol gyur wa / dhe yi sang gye nyur thop shog //
May all living beings be happy! May all be without imperfection! Through the path by which liberation is won, quickly may they gain Buddhahood.
Jam pal pa’ wö ji tar kyen pa dang / kun tu zang po de yang de zhing te /
de dag kun gyi je su da lob jing / ge wa di dag tam je rab tu ngo
Just like the courageous Manjushri and, likewise, Samantabhadra have omniscience, I also sincerely dedicate these merits in order to train myself to attain their state.
Du sum sheg pe’i gyal wa tam je kyi / ngo wa gang la chog tu ngag pa de /
dag gi ge we’i tsa wa di kun kyang / zang po chö chir rab tu ngo war gyi /
All the Victorious Ones of the three times have highly praised dedication. I too sincerely dedicate all the roots of my virtues in order to perform the noble deeds.
Jang chog kyong we’i kyob pa chog gyur pa / ke drub gya tsö yong su gang we’i ne /
gang ri’i trö dir ten pa sal dze pa / sa kya pa yi ten pa gye gyur jig/
The unsurpassable protectors and rulers of the north, where the ocean of scholars and siddhas reside, are the Sakyapas who illuminate the dharma in the Land of Snows. May the teachings of the Sakya lineage flourish.
Gang jen bö kyi te wa dor je den / pal den sa kye’i chö si gye gyur jig /
trul pe’i dung gyu gyun che me pa dang / kun kyang trin le nam ka’ nyam par shog //
The centre of the Land of Snows is the Diamond Seat (Sakya). May the temporal and spiritual ways of the glorious Sakyapas flourish. May the miraculous hereditary lineage be unbroken and may their enlightened activities pervade all space.
Long Life Prayers
Pal den tsa we la ma rin po che / dag gi chi wor pe me’i den zhug ne /
ka trin ch’en po go ne je zung te / ku sung t’ug kyi ngö drub tsal du söl //
Most glorious and precious Root Guru, the great jewel seated on a lotus on the crown of my head: out of your great kindness watch over me, and grant the siddhis of body speech and mind.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Long Life Prayer
Gang ri ra we kor we shing kham su / Ph’en dang de wa ma lu jung we ne/
Chen re zig wang TEN ZIN GYA TS’O yi / Shab pe si t’e bar du ten gyur chik//
In Tibet, pure land of snow mountains, the source of all benefit and happiness, is Tenzin Gyatso, Bodhisattva of Compassion in person. We supplicate you to stand firm until the end of time!
His Holiness Sakya Gongma Trichen’s Long Life Prayer
Ch’i me mi shig sung we gur khang nang / ch’i me ts’e jin lha mo chen dun ma/
ch’i me ts’e la wang we ts’og nam kyi / ch’i me ts’e yi ngö drub tsal du söl /
In immortal life’s protective wheel, seven-eyed one granting deathlessness, great assemblage granting deathlessness, grant attainment of immortal life!
Rig sum pe me t’ug kye lha lam ne / khyen tse nu t’u rang zug nyin mor je /
sa ten lung tog pe ts’al gye dze ne / dul ja ling zhi gön du tag ten sol/
Path divine of Padmasambhava, wisdom, love and power’s radiant form, Sakya’s blooms of insights and of words, master of the four worlds, please live long!
NGAG WANG gyu tr’ul lha rig khön gyi dung / dro KUN GA’ dze T’EG CH’EN do ngag lam /
p’en de PAL du BAR we TR’IN LE chen / sam p’el WANG GI GYAL PO zhab ten söl /
Ngawang Kunga, line of Khön divine, giving joy and benefit to all, owner of the great and secret path, wish-fulfilling great king, please live long!
Nam dag trim den ser gyi sa zhi la/ tö sam gom pe rin chen dul mang tseg/
ch’e tsö tsom dang je ten bang rim gye / kyab ch’og ri wang lhun por ten zhug söl /
Meditating, thinking, listening, placed upon a moral golden base. Teach, debate, compose the Dharma’s words, royal sublime refuge, firm remain!
Gyal wa nyi pa je tsun gong ma nge / gyal ten chig du nen gyu ts’e ma zhi /
gyal we lam zang zab mo lob she nam/ gyal wa ji zhin tön dze zhab ten söl /
Second Buddha, teacher of Lamdre, valid path of Buddha taught through speech, teachings of the Sakya Founders, Five – You who teach like Buddha, firm remain!
P’un ts’og gyal si dun gyi tra shi pal / pal den sa kya ch’ö sri pal bar ne /
ne ch’og dzam ling dze pe gyen du jön / jön zhin sang sum dor je tar ten sol/
Having come, you beautify this world, holding Sakya’s power temporal, radiating Sakya’s Dharma works, vajra-like three secrets, long remain!
Lu me la ma ch’og sum t’ug je dang / yi dam ten sung gya ts’o t’u tob dang /
ch’ö nyi zab mo gyur me den pe tu / ji tar söl we dö dön drub gyur jig /
Triple Gem and Teacher, kind and true, Yidam, and Protectors, full of might, profound and unchanging sublime truth, by these powers, our hopes will be fulfilled!
His Holiness the 43rd Sakya Trizin Gyana Vajra Rinpoche་ Long Life Prayer
Dro la chimé chok jin tsé yi lha Lama drang song drub rik gya tso yi
Jin lab ngö drub zepa mepé ter Gyur mé takpa dam pé shipa tsol
From the inexhaustibley treasury of spiritual attainments that includes the blessings of Long-life Deities who bestow excellent immortality to living beings and the blessings of the ocean of Teachers, Sages, and Accomplished Ones, may the auspicious attainment of holy, unchanging permanence be granted.
Dro la kün gé pal jin rinchen sum Chik dü rik sum khyen tsé nüpé gar
Khön dung drimé ngotsar trulpé ku Dorje zinpé tsuk gyen zhab ten sol
Wonderful manifestation of the stainless Khön Lineage who combines the dance of the three races of knowledge, loving-kindness, and power into one, who is the essence of the Three Jewels that magnificently gives joy to living beings, may you, Crown Ornament of Vajradhara, long remain.
Ji nyé sheja tuk chü khe pé tsé Ji zhin ne luk ngön gyur drubpé pul
Dro kham jé zin tuk kyé da mepa Ten pé sok shing chen por zhab ten sol
Foremost of scholars whose minds contain all knowable things, Chief of siddhas who have realized the true nature of phenomena, unrivalled enthusiast who watches over the living beings of this world, may you, great Life Force of the teachings, long remain.
Si zhi nyam zik jam gön tse wa ché Ten khé she ja kün khyen pandita
Thu tob dak nyi khön tön rim jön gi Gyal tsab dam par kal gyar zhab ten sol
Following the greatly kind Master Sachen who looked with equanimity upon saṃsāra and nirvāṇa, Sakya Paṇḍita the omniscient Master who possessed stability and skilfulness, Chögyal Phagpa lord of might and power, and the successive Teachers of the Khön Lineage, may you, holy Regent and Successor, remain for hundreds of aeons.
De tar lhak sam dak pé sol tab dön Chö nyi den tu chok sum lama lhé
Den tsik drub pé drok den yel mé kyi Zhab ten trin lé pel wé gelek tsol
Having thus made this prayer with pure intentions, through the unwavering assistance of the powerful truth of ultimate reality and the consummate truthful words of the Triple Gem, Teachers, and Deities, may virtue be granted to increase your life and spiritual
Her Eminence Jetsün Chimey Luding Rinpoche Long Life Prayer
Ch’i me ts’e lha gya ts’o jin lap kyi / Ö sel lha rik de ch’en pal ter wa /
Rik dzin ngak kyi tr’in le rab jam la / Wang jor da kyi tso mo ts’o she sol /
Through the blessings of an ocean of divinities of longevity and immortality, coming from the celestial race of luminosity, you grant the glory of great bliss, wealthy with the vast activity of tantric Vidyādharas, chief among dākinīs,, we supplicate you to live long!
Ch’i me drub pa yong kyi khor lo gyur / Ten pe nyi ma je tsun sa kya pe /
Rig dang ch’o le tr’ung pe ten dro gon / Don nyi dze tr’in tag tu gye par shog /
Protectress of the Dharma and of beings, You arose from the lineage and the teachings of revered Sakya, which is the radiant sun, of the Enlightened One’s religion. Turn fully the Wheel for attaining deathlessness and ever increase your twofold work: For the Dharma and for beings.
Ch’i me t’ar pe lam la rab zhuk ne / Rang gyud min ching drol we kal sang t’ob /
Ch’o nyid den pe rang zhel ngon sum t’ok / P’en de tra shi mi nup tag ten shog //
Traversing the path of deathless freedom, ripen your mind and acquire the fortune of liberation. May you gaze directly upon the face of Reality and dwell always in joy that does not fail.
Long Life Prayers for All Teachers
Kon ch’ok rin ch’en sum gyi jin lap dang / Kar ch’ok ga we t’u dang nu pa yi /
Gyal we ten dzin jam yang yab se sog / Ku ts’e ring shing tr’in le gye gyur chik /
By the blessings of the Three Jewels, by the power of the virtuous ones, Dharma Holder line of Manjushri live long, may your enlightened activities flourish!
La ma ku kham sang la sol wa deb / Ch’ok tu ku ts’e ring la sal wa deb /
Tr’in le dar shing gye la sol wa deb / La ma dral wa me par jin gyi lob /
We pray for our teachers’ perfect health; we pray for our teachers’ ageless lives; we pray that their works will grow and spread. Grant the blessing that we never be separate from them!
Ku sod ri wo zhin du ten pa dang / Ten dzin nyi da shin du sol wa dang /
Nyin dag nam kha ta bur kyap pa yi / Ta shi de kyang deng dir de lek shog //
May their merit be firm, like a mountain. May holders of the teachings shine like the sun and moon. May their fame and glory extend like space. Due to this auspiciousness, may there be happiness and excellence here and now