White Tara Practice Announcement

On 30 January 2022 (5th Sunday of the month), as well as on 6 February 2022 (1st Sunday of the month), our centre will conduct White Tara practice via zoom, dedicating our practices to the long life and health of our beloved gurus, to His Holiness Gongma Trichen Rinpoche and specially to Her Eminence Jetsun Kushok Chimey Luding Rinpoche as this coming Losar is the year of Tiger, her birth animal year as she turns 85. May our dear gurus live long and healthy and continue to turn the wheel of Dharma for the benefit of all sentient beings. May we all be blessed with good health and long life and attain the ultimate liberation.

For those who have received the White Tara empowerment recently and wish to join our monthly White Tara practice, typically held the first Sunday of the month, please send us an email at sakyavancouver@gmail.com to enroll. A zoom link will be emailed to you.

The next scheduled White Tara practice after the above two will be held on 3 April 2022.

Thank you
STTL team