Our Resident Teachers

H.E. Jetsun Kushok Rinpoche

Her Eminence Jetsun Kushok Chimey Luding Rinpoche frequently referred to as Jetsun Kushok or Jetsunma, is the founder of Sakya Tsechen Thubten Ling.  She is also the sister of His Holiness Sakya Trichen.  Both His Holiness and Jetsun Kushok were taught and guided by leading masters of the Sakya tradition.  She started her training at six, began teaching at eleven and became a fully empowered lineage holder at eighteen.  In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition altogether Jetsun Kushok is one of only a few female lineage-holders and is one of three known female teachers to have transmitted the precious Lamdre (path and its results) teachings of the Sakya tradition.  In 1971, Jetsun Kushok and her family moved to Canada where she worked and cared for her family.  At the request of His Holiness she later began to give teachings and nowadays teaches at her centre in Vancouver and at other centres around the world. [more]

Venerable Lama Ngawang Tenzin

Venerable Lama Ngawang, the resident spiritual teacher and Lama of our centre, is from the the Sakya Ngorpa monastery in India. At ten year old he entered the Monastery to become a novice monk. After 17 years of study and intensive training in all aspects of Buddhism including all types of ritual, torma making, the playing of musical instruments, shrine management as well as completing several retreats, he earned the title of Mahakala Master and was recognized as a Lama.

In 2005 he was invited to stay in Australia and work for the Sakya centre, Sakya Tharpa Ling, as the resident Lama and assistant to Venerable Khenpo Ngawang Dhamchoe. Lama has also traveled worldwide with Jetsun Kushok Rinpoche to assist her in her international teaching programmes. These tours have included Australia, Europe, Malaysia and Singapore.

In 2009 Jetsun Kushok Rinpoche invited him to Vancouver and assist her with the Vancouver Sakya centre’s activities. Lama Ngawang is fluent in many languages including English, Hindi, Nepali and Tibetan. He conducts regular classes in the centre for practitioners who wish to learn about Buddhist rituals in the Sakya tradition. His compassion and kindness make him accessible and approachable to all. People also seek his counsel and support in their personal lives.

Venerable Ani Pema Dolma

Ven. Pema Dolma received ritual training and monastic studies at the Sakya nunnery for eight years. After completing her education and retreats, she has held various responsible positions in the nunnery such as Puja Manager, Canteen Manager and Disciplinary Master. We are delighted to have Ven. Pema Dolma here as our ritual chant master for our centre where she performs daily Tara puja and other rituals for the benefit of our members and community at large.

Venerable Ani Kunga Tengyal

Ven. Kunga Tengyal joined the Sakya nunnery as a novice nun in 1999 and received ritual training and monastic studies at the Sakya nunnery for twelve years. She also performed various retreat practices, ranging from two to six months to deepen her spiritual understanding. Ven. Kunga has also performed various duties in the nunnery such as puja manager, canteen manager, rituals, etc. Our society is delighted to have Ven. Kunga here to perform the function of shrine master, taking care of the shrine room needs of our centre.