Khenpo Ngawang Dhamchoe has kindly consented to Sakya Tsechen Thubten Ling’s request to give Dharma teachings fortnightly. This series came about as a  follow up of the Vancouver teachings for our international sangha Khenpola has offered during the August  2024 public events.

Khenpola will explain the practices in greater detail at a slower pace to allow students more time to contemplate and learn.  The classes will continue as long as Khenpola deem necessary to complete the teachings and address students’ questions.

Format: Khenpo Dhamchoe will spend approximately 1/2 the time teaching on the sadhana, starting with Chenrezig Tsembupa, with remaining time for questions and answers. After Chenrezig Tsembupa practice, a new series based on White Tara will follow.

Class will be conducted in English with Chinese translation by Andrew Hwang. Questions should be on topic, based on the sections of what Khenpo has just taught.

Dates: Monday, fortnightly starting on 16 September 2024

Timing (PST): 7:00PM start, approximately 1.5-2 hours duration.

Location: ZOOM only, no in person attendance.

Restriction: No recording of teachings


-This program is currently restricted to students who have received Chenrezig empowerment as well as the oral transmission for the Tsembupa practice (*oral transmission for TSembupa practice is optional).

-Participants must have own copy of the sadhana as the text will not be displayed online.


Registration required for the classes:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Your donation for the Dharma courses is deeply appreciated to help to defray the cost of running a physical centre and make it possible for STTL to offer these programs. Thank you.

堪布拿旺單確接受温哥华萨迦中心的邀请,每两周进行一次佛法教学。这个系列是堪布在 2024 年 8 月教学的后续。


形式:堪布拿旺單確将花费约一半的时间教授仪轨(大悲觀音誠普巴修行开始, 续观音修行后将是白度母修行教学),剩余时间用于问答。问题应围绕堪布刚刚教授的部分/主题。教学将有中文翻译。

日期:从 2024 年 9 月 16 日开始,每隔一个星期一, 教学将有中文翻译

时间(太平洋标准时间):晚上 7点开始,约一个半至两小时

地点仅限 ZOOM


必备条件: – 课程目前仅限于已接受观世音菩萨灌顶。

– 因为法本不会在线显示,参与者必须拥有自己的法本。



请大家慷慨解囊和捐款以协助中心分担弘法费用。感恩您的慷慨支持, 谢谢。

About Khenpo Ngawang Dhamchoe:

Khenpo Ngawang Dhamchoe is one of the most knowledgeable and respected teachers of the practice and philosophy of Tibetan Buddhism in Australia. Khenpola is highly regarded for his profound understanding of the Buddha Dharma as well as his ability in presenting the Dharma in the contemporary context to non-Tibetan students. He was invited many times by Jetsun Kushok to accompany her on her international teaching trips as her English translator.



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